Renewal of the CSPN-BSZ mutual recognition agreement between ANSSI and BSI

On 15 May 2024, Vincent Strubel, Director General of ANSSI and his German counterpart from the BSI, Claudia Plattner, approved and signed in person the new version of the mutual recognition agreement for security certificates: CSPN and BSZ schemes.

Publish the 24 May 2024 Updated 28 May 2024


On 15 May 2024, Vincent Strubel, Director General of ANSSI and his German counterpart from the BSI, Claudia Plattner, approved and signed in person the new version of the mutual recognition agreement for security certificates: CSPN (Certification de Sécurité de Premier Niveau) and BSZ (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifizierung or Accelerated Security Certification) schemes.

Initially signed in June 2022, the CSPN-BSZ mutual recognition agreement enables reciprocal recognition of this type of security certificates between France and Germany, thus avoiding assessments’ duplication. The agreement also provides for technical cooperation between the two agencies to promote harmonisation of practices harmonized practices, with the aim of minimising exceptions to the agreement.

Now based on the recently adopted European standard FiTCEM (Fixed Time Cybersecurity Evaluation Methodology for ICT products, EN 17640), this newest version represents a further step towards global harmonisation for this type of certification schemes. This renewal is in line with the eventual creation of a European certification scheme based on the Cybersecurity Act.

No similar agreement exists with any other ANSSI’s partners. This signature thus illustrates the strength of the cooperation between ANSSI and BSI, as well as the high level of trust between the two partners in terms of certification.