ANSSI strengthens its presence in the Pacific with PaCSON

A genuine catalyst for cooperation and collaboration, the Pacific Cybersecurity Operational Network (PaCSON) now has 16 members and includes ANSSI among its partners. This illustrates the agency's desire to establish long-term roots in this eminently strategic region.

Publié le 20 Juin 2024 Mis à jour le 20 Juin 2024

Launched in 2017, PaCSON brings together cybersecurity experts from 16 member states and encourages the exchange of best practices, the sharing of information and the development of incident response capabilities. The member states are: Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

This partnership will enable ANSSI to strengthen its exchanges with Pacific players, to exert greater influence with them and to broaden its vision thanks to a better understanding of the local cyber landscape. As a partner, the agency will take part in the monthly meetings and the annual general meetings organised by PaCSON, creating many opportunities to forge strong links.

Already involved in the Pacific's overseas collectivities in the same way as other French territories, the agency ensures its presence by providing aid schemes and implementing actions supported by the France Relance plan and France 2030. It is also invested locally for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. ANSSI's partnership is therefore in line with the State's strategy to strengthen its action in the Indopacific region. Its commitment to PaCSON supports this desire for cooperation and sharing.

ANSSI is honoured to be part of this network, as it is responsible for encouraging and supporting overseas territories to develop their cyber skills. This partnership represents an important step in the agency's international dynamic, as it sends a strong signal: the agency intends to join forces to further protect infrastructures against the cyber threat, across borders, and all the way to the Pacific.